
Abstract. Explore not stay

Some thoughts by me. Don't judge to hard.

Explore not stay

You are a bird in a cage. satisfied with the space and the food, that You receive. You sing beautiful songs. sometimes You are allowed to leave the cage. fly around the room. to get a taste of freedom and independence. and very soon You will return to the same cell or You will be lured there back. to again sing for joy of life. and at night they will cover Your cage. everyday the same. routine. but who is concerned. You will receive Your portion of food and an extra crayon, if there is a sellout in the shop.

You want freedom, but to leave the cage and fly away forever, can be a fatal decision for You. angry sparrows may peck you up as a stranger. or You will not find food for yourself. perhaps there is no turning back.

but somewhere there, Your brothers and sisters do not know what is cage.

remain in the cage, limit yourself, sing Your whole life in a cage. or try unknown and dangerous spaces. explore not stay. put comma in the sentence. the choice is Yours.

українська версія думок

Пізнавати не можна залишатись

Ти пташка в клітці. задоволена простором та їжею яку тобі дають. співаєш мелодії. інколи Тебе випускають на волю. політати по кімнаті. аби відчути смак свободи і незалежності. та зовсім скоро Ти сама вернешся в клітку, або тебе заманять в неї назад. щоб Ти знов співала від радості життя. а вночі Тебе накриють. і так щодня. рутина. але кого це турбує. Ти отримаєш свою порцію корму і крейду в подарунок, якщо буде акція.

Ти хочеш свободи, але покинути клітку та вилетіти назавжди, може бути летальним для тебе рішенням. злі горобці заклюють Тебе, як чужинця. Ти не зможеш знайти собі їсти. можливо дороги назад і не буде.

але десь там Твої брати і сестри не знають слова клітка.

залишитись в клітці, обмежити себе, проспівати життя в клітці. чи скуштувати незнанні та небезпечні простори. пізнавати не можна залишатись. постав кому в реченні. вибір за Тобою.


Armenia. "Trip" to nuclear station

One of the evening was turning to be a boring one, so me and my friends decided to go out. Initially we wanted to go to the city, but then David (Armenian from Georgia) said "let's go to the nuclear station". Idea was sold fast and good.

So approxamitely at 5 p.m. we (me, Kostia (Ukrainian), David and Gio(my Georgian roommate)) left the house and headed to the bus station in order to go to Metsamor (name of the city near station). Bus trip took us approxamitely 1 hour.

When we arrived the city was already in a very sleepy mood and quite dark and the inhabitants were already settling for a sleep after a hard day.

Meanwhile four strangers to these places were seeking a road to the station. Some people in the street were quite surprised to our questions, but later were showing us the direction. Having finally found the road, we took a fast tempo and went.

It turned really dark and what was left was darkness, some red lights far away and our fears. Why fears? During the road we had some "funny" suggestions that we would be attacked by some monster-dogs fed on the nuclear waste. If talking serious stuff - the thing was that we didn't had any documents with us, and had two knifes. What is more funnier, I also discovered that I had a badge of Baku in my bag (it was a gift from a participant of the seminar in Odessa). Taking into the consideration the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, one can imagine what would be reaction of the guards if they decided to search us...

During our walking two cars came by. We tried to stop them in order to get some tips. But you know - one doesn't stop in the middle of the field, on the road to nuclear station to answer the question of four guys. 

Luckily, the third one was a police patrole car. Why luckily? Cause they agreed to take to the station. Moreover, if not for them, we would spent our night in jail. Cause, as we were explained, it's now allowed to walk to that post and take pictures or videotape. That is because it is the object number one of state importance. Why jail? See the apart with no passports above. Quite legitimate to me.  After some talking with police officers they took us to the nearest bus station, from which we headed home.

To conclude, out trip failed to achieve the main goal, to see the station from very close distance, but in return we got an interesting adventure. Swap approved. Another try to achieve the aim - pending...

Armenia. Ukrainian Diaspora

On 18th of November I had a pleasure to be invited to a meeting with Ukrainian Youth Community "Unist". Two of my friends, one from Holland and one from Poland (EVS volunteers from APY) are doing some photo shooting, so I decided to come with them. 

Mo, Bartek, Meri and me
The road to the place, where the meeting had to be held, was quite an exiting one, cause I was told to come to Main Post office, which turned out to be the new main post office, but the meeting was at another place - soviet post office - a big 16th floor building. Nevertheless, I just managed to learn more places on my way, so I have nothing to complain about.

Finally managed to reach the meeting, I got acquinted with the organizator of the meeting. Her name is Mari, and her grandmother comes from Zaporizhia. She is also the president of this youth organization. After chatting a little bit with her, we were waiting for the performances to start. By the way, meeting was called "Osin zbyrae druziv"(Autumn gathers friends) and was planned as a concert, as well as ceremony to award winners of the photo competition "Under the sky of Armenia".

Girls performing song "Ukraine, Ukraine"
The presenter started with a beautful poem by Sosyura "Love Ukraine". She also said that part of the programm will be in Russian in order for others (Greek community and some Armenian guests) to understand it. However still almost whole programm was in Ukrainian. I have to admit that the reality of Ukrainian diaspora in Post Soviet states has to strongly cooperate with russian speaking society. As Mari also told me, their meeting are conducted in Russian because a lot of ancestors, members and those who are interested in Ukrainian culture - simply doesn't know Ukrainian. But very soon this community will start Ukrainian Lessons Classes.

The programm advanced with poem by Kostenko. Later there was a passionate song from  Greek participant. later two girls performed song "Ukraine, Ukraine". I liked their voices and the way they performed (and even with some technical problems they managed to keep their head).

Participants of the concert
The concert was also made in cooperation with Greece society, which was actually easy to explain - minority societies have to cooperate strongly with each other. And I think it was a good choice, both sides had a lot of fun. As I was also told, Greek community is the most active one. They have quite charismatic persons within their members. And I really enjoyed their dances. There was also some classic music played by Armenians on guitar and fluite. 

Ms. Romaniya, the head of Ukrainian Federation, actually raised a question of low attendance, and she was completely right, but considering the fact that the organization is quite new, but at the same time very passionate and has desire to work, I think they have the capability to work successfully.

I was very pleased to listen to Ukrainian songs, see Ukrainian dances and just to chat a little on my native language.I know that this is not my last attendance of such evenings, and I will do anything in my power to help of the development of the organization.


Armenia. Yerevan Zoo

While spending some time in another city which I visit, besides of football stadiums(which is my passion), I also try to go to the zoo. Yerevan Zoo wasn't an exception as well. 

I understand the view of those who say that zoos are bad because animals are kept in cages which restricts their freedom. Hard not to agree with that. However, the counterargument I always use is the fact, that for some animals, zoo is a only way to survive, because otherwise they would either be killed by poachers or deprived from their areas and environment by specific activities of people. In addition, the zoo is a chance for people who have limited resources to actually see the animals. For example biologists and zoologists. Not to mention the joy of children, who see the heroes of their favourite cartoons and books.

At first glance, the zoo is quite good, the entrance is decorated with figures of animals, which are created from plastic bottles. Quite original style (overall I must say that there are a lot of such compositions in the city that is made from recycled tires, bottles, etc.). Also which immediately caught my eyes on the lawn was freely walking ... pheasants. Impressive view.

However, as I proceeded further to the middle of the zoo, the sadder it become. Dirty and dark cells, hungry and poor animals. In addition, I saw some rats running around! Emotions are just "wooow". I caught a glance of hate in the eyes of a tiger. Actually cencere abhorrence rather than look at the victim.

Also, the behaviour of some Armenians towards the animals impressed me negatively. Some of them were knocking on cages of poor animals, thus behaving, sorry for the word, worse than animals.

Structure (the planning) of the zoo is not also good. Everything is situated very chaotic, and in order to get to one of the departments, one needs to come back and return. I had the opportunity to visit the Berlin Zoo. And that to me is just now a standard. So while visiting other zoos, I try to comparise them with this ideal.

Selection of animal species is quite big, but it actually only means that more animals suffer. I understand that Armenia is not a very developed country with relatively limited resources, however, if one want to change something, they should start with small things. My favourite quote is "Think global, act local". At the same time, almost all  people ride expensive foreign cars, and almost every family has a car (but that's another story). There are also a lot (really a lot) of organizations which could make the difference. 

Luckily, I was there with my friends, so despite general sad situation we had some good time there.

To summarize, my emotions were very contrasting.

Also, according to Wikipedia,- in April 2011, "New capabilities will be created for animals, so that they will  feel they are not in the cage, but in their natural habitat. The territory assigned to each animal will be increased." I hope it's not just words, and some actions will really be taken. I will visit zoo again in the spring to see whether some changes are made.

Official site of the zoo:

Вірменія. Єреванський зоопарк

Практично в кожному місті в якому я буваю, окрім футбольних стадіонів, я намагаюсь відвідати і зоопарк. Не став виключенням і Єреван. 

Я розумію думку тих людей, які говорять, що зоопарки це погано, тому що, тварини тримаються в клітках, які обмежують їх свободу. Важко з ними тут і не погодись. Проте в контраргумент я завжди приводжу факт, що зоопарк для деяких тварин, це спосіб вижити, оскільки в іншому випадку вони були би вбиті браконьєрами чи позбавленні свого середовища через певну діяльність людей. Окрім того, зоопарк це шанс для людей, які обмежені в ресурсах побачити тварин на власні очі. Навіть для тих ще біологів і зоологів. Не кажучи вже й про радість дітей, які бачать героїв мультиків та книжок вживу.

На перший погляд зоопарк доволі хороший, вхід оформлений цікаво, з використанням фігур тварин, які створені з пластикових пляшок. Доволі оригінальний хід (загалом мушу сказати, що по місту дуже багато таких композицій тварин, які створені то з перероблених шин, пляшок, тощо). Також одразу кинулось в око те, що по газону вільно ходили ... фазани. Гарне видовище.

Проте чим далі заходиш в середину зоопарку, тим сумніше стає. Брудні і темні клітки, голодні і бідні звірі. На додаток ще й щурі бігають! Емоції просто вооуу. В очах тигра можна було побачити ненависть до людей. Власне ненависть, а не погляд на жертву.

Також відношення деяких вірмен до тварин вражає. Стукають по клітках бідних тварин, поводячись вибачте за слово, гірше ніж тварини. 

Не дуже вражає і сама структура зоопарку (його планування). Дуже хаотично все розміщено, і щоб попасти в один із відділів, треба повертатись. Я мав змогу побувати в Берлінському зоопарку. І це для мене наразі еталон всього. Тому відвідини кожного зоопарку, я намагаюсь підвести під цей ідеал. 

Підбірка особин тварин доволі велика, проте це означає власне тільки те, що велика частина тільки і мучається. Я розумію, що Вірменія це не настільки розвинута країна, з доволі обмеженими ресурсами, проте починати треба і з малого. В той же час практично всі катаються на дорогих іномарках, оскільки майже кожна сім'я має машину (але це вже інша історія). 

Добре що зі мною були друзі, з якими незважаючи на "печальку" навкруги ми провели хороший час.

Одним словом, емоції були дуже контрастні.

Також, як повідомляє Вікіпедія, в квітні 2011 року, "Для тварин будуть створені нові, більш комфортні умови, щоб вони відчували себе не в клітці, а в природному середовищі існування, відповідно територія, відведена для кожної тварини, буде збільшена". Сподіваюсь це не просто слова, і якісь дії таки будуть прийняті. Відвідаю ще раз його весною.

Офіційний сайт зоопарку: